Student Self-Care

Being at university can be a really exciting experience in your life, yet it can bring stressful and overwhelming times with it. Here are some of our top tips for looking after your mental wellbeing. 

University students may feel like they haven’t got enough time in the day to take self-care actions, here are some of our quick top tips on embedding self-care into your routine:

  • Go for a walk
  • Make yourself a cup of tea
  • Take part in physical activity or exercise – a run, yoga, playing sports. 
  • Do a guided meditation (Use the Headspace app)
  • Plan your day out and priorities your tasks to stop you from feeling overwhelmed
  • Text or call a friend
  • Listen to your favourite songs
  • Watch an episode of your favourite TV programme
  • Cook or bake yourself something nice to eat

Everyone has mental health and the way we feel can change every day. Sometimes when we are experiencing low moods, it is hard to figure out what things will make us feel better or find the motivation to do these things. Try filling out our self-care menu at all the things you enjoy doing, and when you are feeling in this low mood pick one thing off your list to try! 

Exam Stress

You may be feeling increased pressures and demands around exams periods, whether this is through feeling you don’t have enough time to get in revision or waiting for results day, this can be a challenging time. It is common for students to feel stressed during these times, which can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and run down. 

What are some of the signs of exam stress?

  • Difficulty getting to sleep or waking up in the morning
  • Feeling tired more often
  • Forgetfulness
  • Aches and pains for no apparent reason
  • Poor appetite
  • Social withdrawal
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Increased anxiety and irritability
  • Increased heart rate
  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness

What can you do to help cope with exam stress?

  • Allow yourself time to wind down – have a warm bubble bath, listen to your favourite music, put on your favourite tv show for one episode, read a book.
  • Trying something before bed to help you relax – chat to your friends, switch your phone off, try a guided meditation, or yoga.
  • Exercise has been proven to help your mental health – go for a walk, jog or run.
  • Take regular and frequent breaks
  • Eat well – ensure you are not skipping meals as will decrease your energy levels and may make you feel more tired
  • Talk to your family and friends about any concerns you may have 
  • Make time to see your friends
  • Plan your day to help you feel in control. As well as planning your studying time, plan in regular breaks
  • When you are feeling overwhelmed, practice breathing techniques. 

University Support Pages For Wellbeing 

LJMU – Student support during COVID-19 | Liverpool John Moores University (

Edge Hill – Wellbeing – Student Services (

Hope – Liverpool Hope University

University of Liverpool – Wellbeing Resources Wellbeing Resources- Student Services – University of Liverpool

Chester University – Student Support and Wellbeing | Student Support and Wellbeing | University of Chester