Cyber Bulling – Bite-size via ZOOM


21/09/2020 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm

The cyberbullying bite-size course is aimed at parents and carers to give an insight into the current situation children and young people may be facing online.

Delegates will learn what they can do to keep their child safe online and what they can do to prevent cyberbullying. Ways on how children and young people can take responsibility and ownership online will be explored along with steps on how to report cyberbullying. There will also be a focus on befriending and grooming online.

Delegates will learn how cyberbullying can have a negative impact on a child’s mental health if not given the right support and guidance.

**This bite-size course will be delivered via Zoom. You will receive confirmation of the Zoom call via email two days prior to the course start date**

Please contact for more information about this course.


Bookings are closed for this event.