Eating Disorders – Bite-size via ZOOM
27/09/2021 10:00 am - 10:45 am
During this difficult time, it may be a lot harder for young people who have eating disorders as they do not have their normal routine or daily distraction, everything could be planned around meal time with the family, and mealtimes for young people who have an eating disorder are difficult on a normal day. Being in isolation with no routine could be a trigger.
This bitesize session on eating disorders is aimed at anyone caring for, or looking after children and young people who want to understand more about the causes of eating disorders, signs and symptoms to look out for, the different types of eating disorders and the negative influence social media can have on a young person. We will be giving you an insight into the current resources that are available for you to use and tips if you are worried about a young person.
Please contact if you have any questions about this course.
Bookings are closed for this event.