Roots of Empathy Briefing Session


28/06/2023 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Join Roots of Empathy to find out about securing a place on the Nurturing Empathy Before Transition project.

With only a couple of weeks to go, Roots of Empathy is making a final call out to schools from disadvantaged areas to join the Nurturing Empathy Before Transition project and an opportunity to run Roots of Empathy in your school for Free!

Join us for a virtual briefing session.

**This session will be delivered via Zoom. You will receive confirmation of the Zoom call via email two days prior to the course start date**

Please email if you have any questions about this event. 

Invite Roots of Empathy to your school.

  • Do you want to help reduce aggression and bullying in your school?
  • Would you like to surround your students with a positive and lasting experience that will help them make friends and be inclusive of others?
The Youth Endowment Fund has commissioned Roots of Empathy to work with primary schools in a number of cities in England.
Roots of Empathy is an award-winning social and emotional literacy charity  Find out more about Roots of Empathy. Watch these videos:  Roots of Empathy and BBC On Roots of EmpathyWith support from the Youth Endowment Fund and evaluation from Sheffield Hallam University, Roots of Empathy is partnering on the Nurturing Empathy Before Transition project – a Randomised Control Trial to assess the award-winning Roots of Empathy programme’s impact.

This year, a limited number of eligible schools can join the Nurturing Empathy Before Transition project and receive the Roots of Empathy programme Free of charge (worth £3,250)!

Roots of Empathy is an evidence-based programme that has been in the UK for 12 years. It’s shown a significant effect in reducing levels of aggression, including bullying, among primary school children while raising social and emotional competence and increasing empathy.

See if your school can join the Nurturing Empathy Before Transition Project

With support from the Youth Endowment Fund and evaluation from Sheffield Hallam University, Roots of Empathy is partnering on the Nurturing Empathy Before Transition (NEBT) project. A
Randomised Control Trial to assess the award-winning Roots of Empathy programme’s impact on:
• Raising levels of pro-social behaviour (helping, caring, sharing, including kindness) and empathy.
• Reducing aggression, including bullying.
• Supporting children as they prepare to make the important and often scary transition to secondary school.

Qualifying schools could receive the Roots of Empathy programme for free.
Here is how it works:

◼ Schools will be randomly assigned to an intervention or control group once baseline data is collected in September 2023.

◼ The control group will:
• Collect teacher and student questionnaires (at the beginning and end of the school year)
• Receive a £400 incentive payment on completion of questionnaires
• Continue as normal with lessons without the Roots of Empathy programme

◼ The intervention group will:
• Receive the Roots of Empathy programme in their school in October 2023 for one Year 5 class
• Receive training and mentoring for a school-based Roots of Empathy Instructor, all programme equipment and gold standard curriculum – worth £3,250
• Collect teacher and student questionnaires (at the beginning and end of the school year)

Applications must be received by Monday 3rd July


Bookings are closed for this event.