Unusual Experience & Understanding Psychosis in Young People
01/02/2018 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Fresh CAMHS Lecture Theatre
Fresh Building, Alder Hey, Eaton Road Liverpool
Event overview
This session is co-facilitated by a member of Fresh CAMHS and a member of the Early Intervention in Psychosis Team. This half-day training aims to provide you with a brief understanding of what psychosis looks like in young people, how it can affect them and the people around them, what you can do to help and the role of Fresh CAMHS and the Early Intervention Team. The session is made up of group exercises, case examples and discussion. Many people have told us that ‘Psychosis’ is a diagnosis that worries them and this is often because their understanding is based on what they have read and seen in the media. We will discuss how common these experiences are in young people, what might trigger them and how we can normalise their experience and get them the early help they may need. No prior knowledge of the area is expected.
Who is the event aimed at?
Professionals in Liverpool with no prior knowledge of the subject area
Michelle Taylor and John Stevens
Venue Details
Fresh CAMHS Building Lecture Theatre on the retained estate at Alder Hey.
Parking is in the main multi-storey car park – £2 per visit
Drinks and refreshments and refreshments available to purchase.
Bookings are closed for this event.