6 May 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. Throughout the week, on our social media channels,  we’ll be raising awareness of the impact loneliness can have on our mental well-being and sharing some steps we can take to address it.

Loneliness is affecting more and more of us in the UK and has had a huge impact on our physical and mental health during the pandemic.

Connecting with people and our local communities is important to protect our mental health, and together, we can play a part in tackling loneliness.

Loneliness is about feeling disconnected from the people around you to the point it affects your mental wellbeing.

You can feel it in a crowd of friends or by yourself.

Tips if you are feeling lonely:

  • Reach out and talk about it with someone – a friend or family member, or you can speak to someone anonymously and in confidence at Kooth
  • Be kind to yourself – give yourself a break and do something you love
  • Connect with your community – join a club or volunteer at a local community group, or you can join one of YPAS Groups 
  • Try not to compare yourself with others

The NHS Every Mind Matters website has tips on mental health and self-care for young people. You can find it here 

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Reach Out 

If loneliness is having a negative impact on your mental health, on this page, you will find some helpful tips on how to look after your mental health and emotional wellbeing. There’s also a guide to services you can contact if you feel you might need to speak to someone who can offer you some professional advice.

If you are a student living or studying in Liverpool, on this page you will find some helpful tips on looking after your mental health. There’s also a range of local and national organisations that can offer you support.




Parents and carers

In this section parents and carers can find a range of resources and information about supporting children and young people.

Kind To Your Mind Liverpool

Making small changes to your life can have a massive impact on the way you feel.  During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak because of so much uncertainty, you may be feeling anxious, stressed, worried and have feelings of loneliness.

If these feelings are affecting your mental health, you can find helpful tips, advice, apps and online courses to help you look after your mental wellbeing on the Kind To Your Mind website.

Other useful links:

Action for Children: How can I cope with feelings of parental loneliness?

Loneliness and Wellbeing in Young People: Building our understanding of who and how young people are affected


For schools – Whole School Approach

The OxWell survey indicated that loneliness was a huge issue affecting children and young people in Liverpool and as such, is one of the three areas being looked at by the Liverpool City Council’s Education Improvement Plan priority one.

Liverpool Learning Partnership and the WSA partnership have pulled some resources around this theme into this padlet for school staff.


The Mental Health Foundation has created a range of resources to help tackle loneliness in some communities that are at a higher risk of feeling lonely than others.

View here